A Game of Great Shots ft. HollywoodBob | chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

In which The chocolate Tacolate and HollywoodBob hit some bangers, but clearly if that one trash guy is to be believe, they are …

Our Brains are Fried and the Uzi is Calling ft. HollywoodBob | chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

In which The chocolate Tacolate and The HollywoodBob have simply been playing too much PUBG, so they’re a little loopy, but it …

The Forbidden Strat ft. HollywoodBob | chocoTaco PUBG Duos Gameplay

In which The chocolate Tacolate and The Bobulator use a strategy choco’s not usually too fond of: intentionally playing split. Enjoy …

chocoTaco & Random Duo are Popping Off on Miramar ft. Tobimara | chocoTaco PUBG Gameplay

In which random duo partner Tobimara takes care of Hacienda, and The chocolate Tacolate takes care of the rest. Enjoy! – Beth ft.